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Bureau minutes on January 2021


On the occasion of the first meeting of the year - still remotely - of the European Works Council of the AXA Group, Koen Hermans (Head of group Employees relation) sent his greetings to the members of the secretariat before introducing the 4 points on the agenda. 

Smartworking and inclusion index

Kirsty Leivers (Group Head of Culture, Inclusion and Diversity) detailed the tracks of the Smartworking project, which follows a reflection on possible changes for a new way of working that is more flexible and resilient face to the crises such as the one we are currently experiencing. 

This project, whose guidelines are defined by the group but whose variations will be local in order to take into account all the specificities, concerns all the entities. Some are already well advanced on the subject, while others will have until end of 2021 to deploy this project. 

For Hedi ben Sedrine, secretary of the EWC, this subject is fundamental because it is particularly in line with current events. The question of the resources given to employee representatives in this new working environment was raised, and the management did not fail to recognise the need for continuity in a good level of social dialogue.

The members of the secretariat emphasise that support will be necessary because these new working methods can cause difficulties, either for managers or for their teams. Kirsty Leivers then presented the project of a new group survey (optional, anonymous and whose data will be protected), to measure the quality of inclusion within the AXA group.  The members of the secretariat welcomed this initiative, which underlines the importance that the group attaches to these subjects, while pointing out that practices that are not very inclusive may still persist from time to time in certain companies and that a great deal of work remains to be done. 

AXA Next strategy and innovation within the AXA Group

Delphine Maisonneuve (AXA Next CEO), presents the activity of her perimeter, today at the heart of AXA's strategy. Over the last 5 years, innovation within the group has explored and built new models and partnerships. Today, the work also consists of reinforcing these innovations and making them part of the group's strategy. 

This programme is based on 8 Business Units (Partners, Climate, Kamet, etc.), which make it possible to offer innovative solutions with high added value to AXA entities or even outside entities. 


Update on International New Markets projects

Benoit Claveranne (CEO International & New Markets) and Laurent Marvy (HR Director and General Secretary) came to share with the EWC Secretariat a progress report and the highlights of this perimeter. With nearly 15,000 employees and a predominantly very young population, INM is developing particularly in the health sector. The INM perimeter has an active management of its portfolio, nearly 10 entities or countries have already been sold in Europe.

Stratos Kefalas, Greek delegate and member of the secretariat, expressed the frustration of Greek employees who regretted that an entity in very good health had been sold to the competition. They were concerned about the lack of communication on the ongoing divestiture. Management committed itself to information meetings on points that can be communicated in compliance with the legal aspects of the sale.

The session was closed by the secretary of the EWC, Hedi ben Sedrine.

Find here the synthesis of the meeting: