Members Directory Meet the Bureau Members, the Delegates and their Deputies: Secretariat Thomas BUBERL Chairman France AXA Pascale RAULINE Secretary France XL Catlin Services SE Koen HERMANS Group Head of Employee Relations France GIE AXA Elodie BATOUT Deputy Head of Group Employee Relations France GIE AXA Daniel FOLGADO Treasurer Spain AXA Seguros España Sarah PRIVETT In charge of CEEC and Social Dialogue United Kingdom AXA Health Paul DE TORRES Secretary Member France XL Catlin Services SE Aoife KENNA Secretary Member Ireland AXA Insurance Ireland Francesco ROTIROTI Secretary Member Italy Axa Assicurazioni Hendrik THEESFELD Secretary Member Germany AXA GERMANY Antonio Jose PASTOR MARIN UNI Representative Spain AXA Seguros Espana Giandomenico PICCOLO In charge of non-represented countries Italy AXA Italia Servizi Delegates Marta ALLEN AXA XL Poland Karolina DOMINIAK Czechia AXA Assistance Tchèquie Alexandra MUERMANN Germany AXA XL Nieves DEL MORAL Spain AXA Seguros Espana Christophe BAYLE France AXA Partners Hugues BOUCHEZ France AXA France Gilles DELAGE France AXA France Nadine FRANCES France AXA France Sophie LAVEISSIERE France AXA IM Christophe ROYER France AXA France Sylvie SERALINE France AXA France Jacques SOURDON France AXA Assistance Janusz STELART France AXA France François TIXIER France AXA GO Véronique TOUSSAINT MONDET France AXA IM Helen COLLINS United Kingdom AXA Health Deputy Marc SCHIPPERT Germany AXA Konzern AG Francisco Javier GRANIZO JIMENEZ Spain AXA GO Francisco CANETE Y MUNOZ France AXA France Matthieu CROUET France Juridica Sylvie DANGIN France SATEC Sophie DUMAS France AXA France David FISCHER France AXA Partners Véronique FITTE-DUVAL France UGIPS Daniel OWEN France AXA GO Marie-Sylvie PIOGER France AXA XL ré Thierry PONSADA France GIE AXA Philippe SURBLED France AXA France Alison EATOCK United Kingdom AXA Insurance UK Mauro NAVA Italy AXA Italia Servizi